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Mindful Monday

Is your child struggling with mental health needs? Help is Available!

I look forward to seeing your student! Classroom guidance lessons are continuing.  During the year, we cover lessons including: Second Step, Mind Up, and Zones of Regulation.  If I may serve you or your child in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Schedule a conversation with me.

If you or your child are in need of immediate mental health help:

Visit My Mindfulness Room

Do you need a few minutes to collect your thoughts or emotions? Click the image to enter my virtual mindfulness room.

mindfulness room


Group & Individual Counseling

We are happy to offer individual counseling to students who are experiencing emotional difficulties that interfere with their learning. Students meet with a counselor once a week for 20 minutes. Typically, a child will have no more than 6-8 sessions. If more intensive work is needed, we will make a referral to an outside counselor. 

Because trust is so important in counseling relationships, I make every effort to keep confidential all information that is shared with me by a child and by his/her parents. There are limits to confidentiality, such as when a child tells me about abuse or another dangerous situation or when I am compelled by a court of law. I will always work with you and your child to make sure our communication is as private as possible.

We also offer sharing groups to struggling children because we believe children can create their own solutions and that healing occurs when children experience understanding and support from their peers. These are groups that typically meet once a week during lunch or recess. Through a series of games and other carefully researched activities, children share their feelings and experiences with one another. They are also taught skills that enable them to cope with difficulties. Students will be expected to respect the confidential nature of our discussions when they return to their classes. Students can only participate with parent permission. The following groups are offered at various times during each school year. Feel free to contact me if you feel your child could benefit from any of these groups.

Parent/Caregiver Resources

Our library consists of a variety of books on many topics. The purpose of this lending library is to make up-to-date parenting information available to interested persons. Any parent may have access to these materials. They are also intended for teachers, and others who care for children. The materials are located in the Counselor’s Office. Interested patrons may check materials out any time the elementary counselor is available. Materials are generally checked out for up to two weeks at a time. They may be obtained in a variety of ways. A student could bring a note from home requesting a specific book. A patron could call, or visit the school to select materials of interest. Those who borrow materials are asked to sign a checkout slip indicating their name, phone number, and the name of their child (if applicable). 

If you are interested in checking out one of the items available in our library, please contact me or your child's teacher to pick up a brochure. You can also check out the following links.

General Interest

For the Differently Abled and their families

Regarding ADHD

Grief and Loss


School Counselor

Ms. Kyle Kopke, LMHC
(317) 544-6800

mental wellness info and support
bullying safety button

Our Vision

The Avon Elementary School Counseling Program seeks to maximize the holistic development of students in an atmosphere that recognizes and nurtures the uniqueness of the individual. 

Thus, the Avon Elementary School Counselors shall assume shared responsibility for the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students.  School Counselors provide a safe, nonjudgmental place for students to express feelings.  Comprehensive guidance programs enhance students’ intrapersonal and interpersonal worth.  School Counselors encourage students to become independent thinkers, goal-setters, life-long learners and effective citizens. We strive to collaborate with parents and teachers to meet all children’s needs.

Helpful Links