Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
For both drop off and pick up, we ask you to enter the River Birch parking lot from County Road 75 North, turn right and proceed to the far east end of the parking lot. The line will wind around to the circle drive outside Door #18. Students must always exit and enter the vehicle from the passenger side. Car seats and seatbelts can be fastened in the main parking lot if parent assistance is needed.
Car Rider Procedures
If your child will be an CAR RIDER PICKUP at any point throughout the school year, please complete a new registration to ensure we have the correct information. Regardless if your child is a new or returning car rider, please complete the form for the 2023-2024 School Year. New car tags will be given once you are registered.
If you have previously been assigned a car rider number, that number will continue to be assigned to your family. Each car will need a number card to be permitted to pick up a child via the line. All cars without a number will be asked to go to the main office and present ID to pick up.
CLICK HERE: 24-25 Car Rider Registration
Morning Drop Off
In the mornings, River Birch staff will come out of the school at 9:15 am to release students from cars that have reached the curb. All students must exit the vehicle on the curb side for safety. Staff on the curb will provide assistance with your child.
Afternoon Pick Up
In the afternoons, students are released in groups of 8 to the cars that have reached the curb beginning at 4:10 pm. All students must enter the vehicle on the curb side only. Staff on the curb will provide assistance if you need it.
ACSC Transportation Department
If you have questions or if your or someone you know would be interested in employment opportunities, please contact the ACSC Transportation Department.
Hours of Operation
Summer: M-F, 7:30 am-4:00 pm
School Year: M-F, 5:30 am-5:00 pm
Contact Info
p: (317) 544-6140
f: (317) 544-6141
e: transportation@avon-schools.org
w: avon-schools.org/transportation
ACSC Transportation Center
255 South Avon Avenue
Avon, IN 4123
What if a route is cancelled?
- If Avon Schools cannot provide bus transportation, parents will be asked to provide transportation or the student will be marked excused in their attendance
- If we cannot provide transportation in the morning, evening transportation will not be provided either.
- Avon Schools will alert you through ParentSquare if transportation is not available. Our goal is to be in touch at least an hour before the first scheduled pick up.
- Parents should update their pick-up lists to include trusted adults who may be required to pick up their child after school.